At the Scene Grammar Lab, our research focuses on the understanding and perception of the rules of our environment according to what objects are usually found where. To investigate this, we need well-controlled stimuli. Therefore, we have created a collection of databases that are designed to match our research objectives. You can explore them below and are invited to use them for your own research purposes. If you have any questions regarding the databases or are interested in a collaboration, feel free to get in touch with us at

SCEGRAM Database


The SCEGRAM image database consists of photos of 62 real-world scenes in 6 different object-scene-manipulations. The SCEGRAM database is controlled for object familiarity.. >>continue>>

BAWL-R Database


The Berlin Affective Word List - Reloaded (BAWL-R) is a German database containing normative ratings for emotional valence, emotional arousal.. >>continue>>

Other Resources

Estimating power in linear mixed models 


This tutorial helps researchers to navigate sound research design when using mixed-effects models, by summarizing.. >>continue>>